Changes to Temple ISD School Start/End Times in 2016-2017

As the current school year ends, we want to make you aware of an important change that will impact our elementary and middle school campuses beginning in August.



Start Time

End Time

Elementary Schools

7:45 a.m.

3:25 p.m.

Middle Schools

8:00 a.m.

3:55 p.m.

High Schools

8:20 a.m.

4:10 p.m. (no change)


House Bill 2610, passed by the 84th Texas Legislature in the spring of 2015, requires that public school students receive 75,600 minutes of instruction annually.  Before the new law was enacted, school districts were required to provide students with 180 days of instruction annually. The change from ‘days’ to ‘minutes’ of instruction also allows school districts to compensate for minutes of instructional time lost due to school delays or closures.

To comply with the new law, beginning with the start of school on Tuesday, August 23, Temple ISD will add 25 minutes to the end of the school day at each elementary campus.  Middle campuses will begin 10 minutes later and end 10 minutes later. There will be no change in the start/end times at the high schools.

2015-2016 was a year filled with accomplishments both large and small throughout Temple ISD, and that was only possible with strong parent and guardian support.  Thank you for making this a great school year and we look forward to having your children back in class on Tuesday, August 23.

If you have any questions about the changes in start/end times, please call the Temple ISD Information Line at 254-215-6886 or e-mail