The 2016 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) will not be released on Wednesday, June 15 as originally planned by the Texas Education Agency.
Instead, the TEA is delaying the release of the grades 3-8 testing results until July 5, 2016.
Please read the release from TEA below:
Subject: Important Changes to STAAR Reporting Dates
To the Administrator Addressed:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of important changes to the reporting dates for the 2016 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) assessments.
As indicated on the Calendar of Events, the results for the STAAR spring 2016 grades 3-8 administration were scheduled to be reported to districts on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. This date has been moved to Tuesday, July 5, 2016. Due to ongoing issues and concerns with reporting, The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has requested that ETS conduct additional quality control checks and verifications to ensure that results for all students for which answer documents or online records were submitted are reported error-free and attributed to the correct campus and district. The Texas Education Agency apologizes for this delay and understands the significant inconvenience late reporting will cause students, parents, teachers, and school district personnel.
Given delays in reporting, TEA is altering the timeline for sending results to families. Districts are encouraged to provide results as soon as possible, once reporting issues are resolved and final data files and reports are provided.
In addition, some districts continue to experience issues with missing or incorrectly attributed results for students tested during the STAAR May 2016 Grades 5 and 8 retest administration and/or the STAAR spring 2016 EOC administration. Corrected reports and files for these two administrations will be made available on Monday, June 20, 2016. These reports will also include any corrections made by the district during the resolution windows, such as student identification information updates and test taken information changes.