Temple ISD Board Adopts a Resolution Calling for A-F Repeal

At their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, January 9, the Temple ISD Board of Trustees unanimously passed a resolution calling for a repeal of the A-F Rating system.
You can read the resolution to the right, or by opening the document below.
This resolution will be sent to Representative Elect Hugh Shine and Senator Elect Dr. Dawn Buckingham, and Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath will be copied as well.

On Friday, January 6, Dr. Battershell join over 30 other area superintendents at a joint press conference at the Region 12 Education Service Center denouncing the A-F system, and pointing out a number of flaws. 
Additionally, click here to read this statement from Temple ISD about the A-F system released on Thursday, January 5, and click here to read this letter from Dr. Battershell about the A-F system released in December.

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