2022 Bond Overview
This decision started with the work of the 2021 Bond Citizen Advisory Committee more than seven months ago. Through this process, our students, parents, staff and community worked collaboratively to study and prioritize our most critical facility needs which led to the Board of Trustees calling a 2021 Bond election this past November.

Since November 2, 2021, when Proposition A of the district’s 2021 Bond package was two votes shy of passing, district officials have been gathering additional community feedback to determine next steps.
As a result of focus group feedback over the last few months, the proposed 2022 Bond package approved today reduced the overall cost of the previous package by more than $20 million and eliminated Proposition B which would have provided improvements to Wildcat stadium. The revised package also defers some facility improvement projects for a future bond.
The most significant bond projects include preparations for growth that were part of the 2021 Demographic Study and 2021 Facilities Master Plan as well as safety and security updates :
- Construction of a new elementary campus (Fine Arts Academy) in the southeast quadrant
- Expansion of instructional space at three campuses - Scott Elementary, Bonham Middle School and Temple High School
- Eliminating remaining portables at seven campuses
- Addition of security vestibules at three remaining campuses - Hector P. Garcia, Kennedy-Powell, and Raye-Allen
- Construction of a new auxiliary services building
- Program spaces for Fine Arts and CTE