Leadership Definition Framework
“Leading” is something that everyone in an organization can do wherever they are—it is not about the position or title, leadership in Temple ISD is about how you serve. “Leading” is a mindset and this shared responsibility allows everyone to invest in the district and in each other in a very personal way. Everyone in Temple ISD is a leader – students, teachers, support staff, professional staff – everyone. We all lead in different ways in our workplaces, homes, churches, and neighborhoods.
But what does it mean to lead and how do we develop leaders across the district? Finding answers to these questions has been an area focus for the Senior Leadership Team over the last year and we are excited to share our Temple ISD Leadership Definition Framework with you!

Temple ISD was one of 14 districts competitively selected from across the state to participate in an 18 month academy designed to transform educational leadership by creating a leadership definition and developing a succession pipeline for future leaders. The Holdsworth Collaborative provided us the support and expertise in clearly defining the concept of leadership and how we lead in Temple ISD.
A team of staff members, representative of all levels and departments in TISD, worked over several months to develop what would become our Leadership Definition. At the heart of the framework are three core commitments: Connect with All, Commit to Excellence and Invest in Growth.
The video below provides an overview of the development process and in the next few months we will dive deeper into understanding what each of these core commitments really means.
We invite each of you to join us on our leadership journey as we dive into these leadership concepts over the next several months. We are all called to lead in TISD: whether in the classroom, from the office, in the hallways or in competition. Leadership presents an opportunity for everyone; and growth in this area is applicable to all.